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Unit 7 Contract
The next day the businessmen meet at Mr. Petrenko office and Mr. Cawston hands him over a copy of the Contract he has prepared.
Here is a part of the Contract .
International Management Ltd
Contract dated October 10, 2000
This contract is made between:
International Management Ltd, London, United Kingdom, hereinafter referred to as Organizer and Economtraining, Kyiv, Ukraine, hereinafter referred to as Customer.
This Contract concerns the Programme for a Group of 15 administrative managers and chief accountants ( the Participants ) from Ukraine as nominated by the Customer, scheduled to take place in London during 5 days in December, 2000… The exact dates are to be specified before November 10.
Both parties to this Contract are bound by the terms and conditions of the Contract as set out below.
Article 4. Undertakings by the Organizer
- The Organizer will provide Business Skills Courses during the Programme which will collectively amount to not less than 10 hours of intensive classroom tuition. Classroom tuition will take place on Training Days ( Mondays through Fridays ).
- Organizer will provide professional trainers to teach the Business Skills Courses who will have appropriate professional and academic experience and expertise.
- The Organizer will provide an appropriate conference room at the hotel in which the business Skills Courses will be conducted.
Active Vocabulary
the contract is made даний контракт складений
hereinafter нижче, далі, надалі
executive керівник
to nominate призначати, визначати, називати
both parties to the Contract обидві сторони, які склали даний контракт
as set out below як вказано далі
undertaking обов‘язок
tuition навчання
expertise знання
Useful ExpressionsContracts in export trade and Контракти в експортній
their performance торгівлі і їх виконання
To be in negotiation for Проводити переговори про
something що-небудь
To make the necessary arrange- В ідповідно домовитись
Оn consignment basis Н а умовах консигнації
To agree on (up) something Д омовлятися про що-небудь
Specifications that may be ag- Специфікації, про які сторони
reed upon between the parties можуть домовитись
This stipulation being of the Оскільки ця умова є суттєвою
essence of the contract… частиною контракту…
Comprehension Questions
1. By what organization are any disputes arising out of the contract to be settled?
2. Have the parties the right to apply to a general low-court for settlement of their differences arising in connection with the contract?
ExercisesEx.1 . Put preposition or adverbs where it is necessary and
translate into Ukrainian:
1. The contract was signed … Mr. A.D.Brown … Messrs. Brown and Co., Ltd.
2. The contract … the sale … Wheat will be drawn … … our Brokers.
3. According … p.6 … our contract, you are to open a Letter of Credit … the National Bank, Limited … 10 days … the expected arrival … the steamer … the loading port.
4. Our requirements … the next 3 months are fully covered … the quantity purchased … you … Contract 50.
5. The Letter of Credit is to be established … the full value … each lot to be shipped …the contract.
6. The Buyers presented a claim … the Sellers … non- conformity … the goods … the contract specification.
7. All additions … the contract are to be made … writing and are to be duly signed … both parties.
8. The Buyers are not entitled to resell the goods sold … them … the present contract … a third country … sellers previous consent.
Ex.2. Complete the sentences and make similar ones :
1. This Contract concerns … Programme … as nominated by the Customer.
2. This Programme is scheduled to take … December, 2000 .
3. The Organizer will provide … Courses amounting to 10 hours of … tuition.
4. The tuition will be divided …
5. The exact dates are … November 10.
Ex.3. Translate into English:
… 12. Other Conditions
(1) Neither party is entitled their right and obligations under the present contract to third persons without a written consent thereto of the other party. Besides, Buyers are not entitled to resell or in any other way alienate the goods bought under this contract to any third country without Seller‘s previous written consent.
(2) After the signing of the present contract all previous negotiations and correspondence between the parties in connections with it will be considered null and void.
(3) All amendments and additions to the present contract are valid only if they are made in writing and signed by both parties.
(4) All taxes, customs and others dues connected with the conclusion and fulfillment of the present contract, lived within Ukraine, except those connected with the Letter of Credit, to be paid by Sellers, and those lived outside Russia to be paid by Buyers.
(5) Ukraine is regarded as the place of conclusion and fulfillment of the contract.
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