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Скачати одним файлом. Книга: Англійська для економістів - Гаращенко
10 The enigma of production in the modern world
But in most parts of the modern world, people have little or no idea of how to make the dozens of different things they use in the course of a single day. Nor, if they could not buy them at a store, would they know how to set about getting them. From where come the cups and saucers and knives and forks and spoons that we use for breakfast? Do we still get sugar from Cuba or have we some other source of supply? Do our stores get their oranges from Greece or Spain, Egypt or Algeria or some from each of these regions? Do we continue to get our coffee from Brazil? And, if so, why does its price fluctuate so much?
In the world of today, the relationship between work and wants is much less direct than it used to be. We spend our time making goods for sale, but we seldom use these goods for ourselves. We specialise in this modern economy and this specialisation has enabled us to enjoy things of which our grandfathers never dreamed. Old people saw the first automobiles, aeroplanes, telephones at the beginning of our century. In their childhood there were no electric refrigerators, no radios, no television sets, but there were moving pictures (without sound).
But the production picture is still far being perfect in its entirety. There are many thousands haunted by the fear of the future and the unemployment it may bring. There are still more thousands living in unsanitary, overcrowded houses and suffering from an enormous amount of misery and disease.
Need we experience all this poverty? Are we producing as efficiently as possible? Are we producing the things that people really ought to have? Is specialisation always a good method of production? Should we allow foreign countries produce some things for us or should we purchase only those things manufactured in our own country? Should some industries have a monopoly in their productive fields? Should a government plan production for us or can it be safely left to private enterprise? These are some of questions for which economists should be seeking to find the answers.
Vocabularyenigma – загадка
to set about – приступати до чогось
to fluctuate – коливатися
perfect –досконалий
entirety –цілість
to haunt – переслідувати
fear – страх
unemployment – безробіття
to suffer – страждати
enormous – величезний
misery – лихо, злидні
disease – хвороба
poverty – бідність
to seek – шукати
I. Complete the sentences using the text:1. There was a time when each family produced for itself … .
2. But in most parts of the world, people have … .
3. We specialise in this modern economy and this … .
4. There are still more thousands living in … .
5. Should we allow foreign countries produce … .
6. Should a government plan … .
II . Say whether these statements are true or false and if they are false, say why.1. There was time when there was enough to eat as each family produced for itself most of the things it needed.
2. People have little idea of how to make the dozens of different things they use in the course of a single day.
3. We spend our time making goods for ourselves.
4. Old people saw electric refrigerators, radio, television sets in their childhood.
5. There are still a lot of people living in sanitary overcrowded houses.
6. There are a lot of questions for which economists should be seeking to find the answers.
III. Answer the questions, basing your answers on the text:1. Was there a time when people produced most of the things they needed for every day life?
2. Do people h
3. A ve any idea of how to make different things they use in the course of a single day?
4. What can you say about the relationship between work and wants in the world of today?
5. Why are there many thousands haunted by the fear of the future?
6. What questions should economists be seeking to find the answers?
Книга: Англійська для економістів - Гаращенко
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