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Скачати одним файлом. Книга: Англійська для економістів - Гаращенко
12 Monopolies
State planning and central control of the economy often mean that a state government has the monopoly of important goods and services. Some countries have state monopolies in basic commodities like steel and transport, while other countries have monopolies in such comparatively unimportant commodities as matches. Most national authorities monopolise the postal services within their borders.
A different kind of monopoly arises when a country, through geographical and geological circumstances, has control over major natural resources or important services, as for example with Canadian nickel and the Egyptian ownership of the Sues Canal. Such monopolies can be called natural monopolies.
They are very different from legal monopolies, where the law of a country permits certain producers, authors and inventors a full monopoly over the sale of their own products.
These three types of monopoly are distinct from the sole trading opportunities which take place because certain companies have obtained complete control over particular commodities. This action is often called “cornering the market” and is illegal in many countries. In the USA anti-trust laws operate to restrict such activities, while in Britain the Monopolies Commission examines all special arrangements and mergers which might lead to undesirable monopolies.
Vocabularyunrestricted – необмежений
cause – причина (спричиняти)
steel – сталь (метал)
matches – сірники
national authorities – державні органи влади
within their borders – у межах своїх кордонів
geographical and geological circumstances – географічні та геологічні обставини
to corner – скуповувати товар зі спекулятивною метою
market corner – ринковий корнер
special arrangements and mergers – особливі об’єднання.
I. Complete the sentences using the text:1. A situation when there may only be one seller or a very limited number of sellers is called … .
2. It is possible to distinguish in practice … .
3. State planning and central control of the economy mean … .
4. Most national authorities monopolise … .
5. A geographical or geological monopoly arises when a … .
6. Three types of monopoly are distinct from … .
7. Cornering the market is … .
II. Say whether these statements are true or false and if they are false, say why.1. Free competition and large numbers of sellers are always available in the real world.
2. A «monopoly» is when there is only one seller or a very limited number of sellers.
3. It is possible to distinguish two kinds of monopoly.
4. State planning means that a state government has the monopoly of important goods and services.
5. Natural monopoly arises when a country, through geographical and geological circumstances has control over major natural resources or important services.
6. Obtaining complete control over particular commodities by certain companies is called «cornering the market».
7. «Cornering the market» is illegal in many countries.
III. Answer the questions, basing your answers on the text:1. What are not always available in the real world?
2. What is a monopoly?
3. What are the first three kinds of monopoly?
4. What examples of important state monopolies are given?
5. What are Canadian nickel and the Suez Canal examples of?
6. What are certain inventors permitted by law to have?
7. What happens when certain companies obtain complete control over particular commodities?
8. What do the Americans call their anti-monopoly laws?
9. What does Britain use to restrict special arrangements.
Книга: Англійська для економістів - Гаращенко
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