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Скачати одним файлом. Книга: Англійська для економістів - Гаращенко
1. Evolution of Economic Systems, 2 Capitalism, 3 Economic factors in national development, 4 Independence of national economics, 5 Social control of modern industry
1. Hunting-and-Fishing Stage
2. Pastoral Stage
3. Agricultural Stage
4. Handicraft Stage
5. Industrial or Manufacturing Stage.
In the hunting-and-fishing stage, primitive man satisfied his daily needs directly from nature. The hunting tribes moved from one location to another in search of food to sustain them. The fishing tribes were more likely settled in one place as a permanent home.
During the pastoral stage, a man began to domesticate animals and wild grain for his own use. The owner of the sheep, cattle, and goats spent their time in watching over their animals and looking for fresh grassing grounds or for more abundant water supply. During this stage, an individual’s wealth was measured by the size of his herd.
The English manor with a feudal basis predominant from the tenth to the fourteenth century affords a good example of the agricultural stage. The whole country outside of the larger towns was divided into these manors. There was the land outside the village. It was divided into three great fields. One of them was sown with wheat, one with oats or barley or beans, while one was left fallow. Each peasant was obliged to cultivate his land in accordance with the rotation of crops followed by his neighbours.
A peasant had to work two or three days a week - with additional days at planting and harvest time–- on the lord’s pert of the estate. There were small quarterly payments to be made in money, and miscellaneous dues (hens, eggs, oats). There were still other services, of which the most important was carting.
evolution – еволюція, розвиток
to suggest – пропонувати
to occur – траплятися
set forth – пояснювати, рекомендувати
side by side – поруч
to exist – існувати
Pastoral Stage – пасторальний (пастуший)
Handicraft Stage – період розвитку ремесел
directly from – безпосередньо з (від)
to sustain – підтримувати, підкріпляти сили
a permanent home – постійна домівка
abundant – багатий на щось
herd – стадо, табун
manor [‘mæn r] – феодальний маєток
predominant – той, що переважає
affords a good example – дає хороший приклад
to sow – сіяти, засівати
oats – овес
barley – ячмінь
fallow – земля під паром
to be obliged – бути зобов’язаним
to cultivate – обробляти
in accordance with – відповідно до
rotation – періодичне повторення
lords pert of the estate – управляючий маєтком
miscellaneous dues – різноманітні податки
carting – перевезення на візку.
I. Complete the sentences using the text:1. In the hunting-and-fishing stage, primitive man satisfied his daily need ... .
2. The fishing tribes were more likely settled in one place ... .
3. During this stage an individual wealth was measured ... .
4. The whole country outside of the larger towns, was divided … .
5. Each peasant was obliged to cultivate his land ... .
6. There were still other series ... .
II. Answer the questions, basing your answers on the text.1. What do the stages in the development of economic systems suggest?
2. What stages in the development of economic systems can you point out?
3. What way did a primitive man satisfy his daily needs in?
4. At what stage did a man begin to domesticate animals and wild grain?
5. What affords a good example of the agricultural stage?
6. Who was a lord? What rights did he possess?
7. How did each peasant cultivate his land?
8. How many days a week did a peasant have to work on the lord?
III. Say whether these statements are true or false and if they are false, say why.1. All groups of people developed all the stages set forth below.
2. In the hunting-and-fishing stage, primitive man satisfied his daily needs not only from nature.
3. During the pastoral stage, a man began to domesticate animals and mild grain for his own use.
4. The English manor with a feudal basis predominant from the tenth to the fourteenth century affords a good example of the agricultural stage.
5. The land was divided into three great fields and all were sown with wheat, oats or barley.
6. Each peasant cultivated his land, as he liked.
7. A peasant had to work on the lord’s pert of the estate.
8. There were quarterly payments to be made only in money.
Книга: Англійська для економістів - Гаращенко
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