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Скачати одним файлом. Книга: Англійська для економістів - Гаращенко
24 Inflation
To get around the problem of distortions by inflation, economists construct a price index - a statistical series that can be used to measure changes in prices over time. It is not hard to construct a price index. First of all a base year - a year that serves as the basis of comparison for all other years - is chosen.
Second a “typical” market basket of goods is selected. These are goods representative on the purchases which will be made over time. The advantage of this market basket concept is that it captures the overall trend in prices.
Lastly, the price of each item in the market is recorded and then totalled. The total represents the prices of the market basket in the base year and is assigned a value of 100 percent. The prices for each year that follows also must be recorded and totalled to find the new index number. This procedure is repeated until the price index is finished.
Price indices can be constructed for a number of different goods, while others do the same for agricultural products. Of all these measures, the consumer price index and the producer price index are especially important.
The consumer price index reports on price changes for about 400 frequently used consumer items. The 400 goods and services it uses are taken from 85 areas around the country. Some of items are surveyed in all the areas, while others are sampled in only a few.
The producer Price Index measures price changes of commodities at all stages of production. It uses a sample of 34000 commodities and has a base year.
Vocabularydistortion – спотворення, викривлення
to get around – обходити, уникати
to construct – конструювати, будувати
the market basket of goods – споживацький кошик
to capture – захоплювати
to total – підбивати підсумок
to assign – призначати, приписувати
the consumer price index – споживацький ціновий індекс
the producer price index – ціновий індекс виробника
to survey – оглядати, роздивлятися
to sample – брати зразки
І. Complete the sentences using the text:1. A major problem with GNP is that it is subject to distortions because … .
2. To get around the problem of distortions by inflation economists … .
3. The advantage of the “market basket” concept is that … .
4. The total represents the prices of the market basket in the base year and … .
5. The consumer price index reports on … .
6. The producer price index measures price changes of … .
II. Answer these questions, basing your answers on the text:1. What is a major problem with GNP?
2. Does output grow with inflation?
3. What is a price index?
4. What is a base year and what does it serve for?
5. What is a «market basket»?
6. Can you describe the procedure of finding the price index?
7. Why are the price indices constructed?
8. What does the consumer price index mean?
9. What does the producer price index measure?
III. Say whether these statements are true or false and if they are false, say why.1. With inflation output appears to grow from one year to the next.
2. Economists construct a price index to get around the problem of distortions by inflation.
3. It is hard to construct a price index.
4. A base year is chosen to construct a price index.
5. A "typical" market basket of goods is selected to construct a price index.
6. The price of each item in the market is recorded and then totalled to construct a price index.
7. Price indices can be also constructed for agricultural products.
8. The consumer price index and the producer price index are very important for constructing a price index.
9. The producer price index measures price changes of commodities at all stages of production.
Книга: Англійська для економістів - Гаращенко
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