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Скачати одним файлом. Книга: Англійська для економістів - Гаращенко
25 Economic growth
Economic growth brings about a higher standard of living - the quality of life based on the possession of necessities and luxuries that make life easier. A major feature of a free enterprise economy is its ability to increase real per capita output enough over time to allow people to raise their standard of living.
In the end it also allows people to have more free time because they will not need to work as many days as before to earn the same income. With more free time, they can enjoy more hobbies and recreational, family, and cultural activities.
Economic growth allows government at all levels to carry out its tasks more easily.
For example, at present, the burden of national defence is heavy. This means there is less money available for social welfare and other domestic items. Economic growth helps solve domestic problems. Like most other countries of the world, our country is faced with a certain number of social problems. Poverty, lack of education, inadequate medical care, and economic insecurity all are problems with which the economy must deal. Most of these stem from economic need. A greater output of goods and services means more jobs and more income for more people. This is the root of many problems.
Economic growth depends on the ability of the economy to produce output. A number of factors are involved. Most important, however, is the quantity and the quality of the three factors of production - land, labour and capital. Their availability, and the way in which they are organised, will determine how the economy grows.
Vocabularyto carry out – виконувати
domestic problems – внутрішні проблеми
to bring about – здійснювати, викликати
a standard of living – рівень життя
per capita output – випуск виробництва на душу населення
recreation – розвага, відпочинок
national defence - національна оборона
social welfare - суспільний добробут
to face with – стикатись
lack of education – відсутність освіти
economic insecurity – економічна незахищеність
to stem from – походити з
І. Complete the sentences using the text:1. Economic growth is important to … .
2. A major feature of a free enterprise economy is its ability to increase real per capita output to … .
3. A greater output of goods and services means more … .
4. Economic growth depends on … .
II. Answer these questions, basing your answers on the text:1. What is the meaning of economic growth?
2. Does economic growth bring about a higher standard of living?
3. What characterises a free enterprise economy?
4. Do people have more free time with economic growth?
5. What could people do having more free time?
6. Does economic growth allow government to fulfil its tasks more easily?
7. What social problem is the country faced with? What is the cause of these problems?
8. What does economic growth depend on?
9. What factors are necessary for economic growth?
10. Will the factors of production determine the way of economic growth?
III. Say whether these statements are true or false and if they are false, say why.
1. Economic growth benefits a country's economy and political system.
2. Economic growth helps government carry out its work and solve domestic problems.
3. Economic growth brings about poverty, misery and disease.
4. Economic growth allows people to have more free time.
5. Economic growth helps solve domestic problems.
6. Poverty, lack of education, inadequate medical care and economic insecurity all are problems with which the economy must deal.
7. The economy growth will be determined by the way the three factors of production are organised.
Книга: Англійська для економістів - Гаращенко
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