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29 Unemployment
«Seasonal unemployment» is due to the seasonal pattern of work in some industries, most markedly in tourism, agriculture, and construction. It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to eliminate seasonal unemployment, although careful planning of work in the building industry and, the encouragement of a second «season» in tourism may help to mitigate the problem.
Frictional and seasonal unemployment, although involving a considerable waste of resources and much hardship, are not the real problem. This cannot be said of short-term «cyclical» and long-term «growth-gap» unemployment, which are both caused by a deficiency of demand.
«Structural unemployment» is not due to any lack of jobs, but to a mismatch between the type and/or location of jobs offered and the qualifications and/or location of the job seekers. Some economists regard the geographical element of structural unemployment, and some even structural unemployment as a whole, as a special variety of
frictional unemployment. Whatever classification so used, structural unemployment is characteristic of periods with rapid and profound structural changes in the economy. Suggested remedies are: retraining, increased geographical mobility (retraining and relocation grants), short-term and medium-term labour market forecasts, information campaigns on job opportunities, etc...
«Technological unemployment» results from the replacement of workers by labour-saving machines, computers, microprocessors, etc., or to use the appropriate economic jargon, from an increase in the capital-labour ratio. Here again, economic growth will probably not be sufficient to absorb the redundant workers, and a shorter working week may be the only solution. The main fears in connection with this measure are that it will push up costs or reduce aggregate demand. This need not happen if the reduction in working hours does not exceed productivity gains, and real wages are neither increased nor decreased.
Vocabularyin view of the complexity – з точки зору складності
job-seekers – ті, що шукають роботу
economic friction – економічні розбіжності
to speed up – прискорювати
to eliminate – ліквідувати, ігнорувати
to mitigate – зменшувати, полегшувати
frictional unemployment – безробіття, викликане економічними негараздами
to be sufficient – бути достатнім
to absorb the redundant workers – поглинути зайвих робітників.
І. Complete the sentences using the text:1. The imperfections of the labour market is responsible for …
2. Seasonal unemployment is due to … .
3. Short-term and long-term unemployment are both caused by a…
4. Structural unemployment is not due to any lack of jobs, but to …
5. Technological unemployment results from the … .
II. Answer these questions, basing your answers on the text:1. . What are the reasons of «frictional unemployment?»
2. How can «frictional unemployment» be reduced?
3. In what industries can «seasonal unemployment» take place?
4. Is it difficult to eliminate «seasonal unemployment?»
5. What does the «structural unemployment» result from?
6. How do economists regard the geographical element of «structural unemployment?»
7. What are the suggested remedies?
8. What does «technological unemployment» result from?
9. How can «technological unemployment» be solved?
III. Say whether these statements are true or false and if they are false, say why.1. In view of the complexity of the economic system there should always be some unemployment.
2. Temporary, unavoidable unemployment is described as "frictional unemployment".
3. It is difficult to eliminate "seasonal unemployment".
4. Some economists regard the geographical element of "structural unemployment" as a special variety of "frictional unemployment".
5. "Structural unemployment" is the result of profound and structural change in the economy.
6. "Technological unemployment" results from technological changes in the economy.
7. The government's responsibility is to help individuals whose jobs have been replaced by computers, robots or other complicated machines.
Книга: Англійська для економістів - Гаращенко
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