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Скачати одним файлом. Книга: Англійська для економістів - Гаращенко
30 Unemployed and employed
The survey divides the population 16 years and older into three groups:
Employed . These are people who perform any paid work, as well as those who have jobs but are absent from work because of illness, strikes, or vacations.
Unemployed . This group includes people who are not employed but are actively looking for work or waiting to return to work. More precisely, a person is unemployed if he or she is not working and (a) has made specific efforts to find a job during the last 4 weeks, (b) is laid off from a job and is waiting to be recalled, or (c) is waiting to report to a job in the next month. To be counted as unemployed a person must do more than simply think about work or, for example, contemplate the possibility of making a movie or being a rock star. A person must report specific efforts (like visiting local firms of answering want ads) to find a job. Those who are either employed or unemployed are in the labour force.
Not in the labour force. This includes the 34 percent of the adult population that is going to school, keeping house, retired, too ill to work, or simply not looking for work.
Vocabularymonthly headlines – місячні заголовки
data on work and unemployment – дані про роботу та безробіття
random – випадковий
survey – огляд, обстеження
more precisely – більш точно (точніше)
lay-off – період тимчасового звільнення через відсутність роботи
to contemplate – обмірковувати, передбачати
to find a job – шукати роботу
adult population – доросле населення
retired – пенсіонери.
І. Complete the sentences using the text:1. Data on work and unemployment are among the most… .
2. The data are collected monthly in a procedure known as … .
3. Employed are people who … .
4. Unemployed include people who … .
5. To be counted as unemployed a person must do more than … .
6. Those who are either employed or unemployed are … .
II. Answer these questions, basing your answers on the text:1. What groups can the population be divided into?
2. Who falls into the group of «employed»?
3. When is a person counted as unemployed?
4. What is labour force?
5. What category of people is not included in the labour force?
III. Say whether these statements are true or false and if they are false, say why.1. Data on work and unemployment are among the most carefully designed and comprehensive economic data the nation collects.
2. The data are coll
3. ected yearly in a procedure known as random sampling of the population.
4. The survey divides the population 16 years and older into three groups.
5. Employed are people who actively looking for work or waiting to return to work.
6. Unemployed are people who have jobs but are absent from work because of illness, strikes, or vacancies.
7. To be counted as unemployed a person must do more than simply think about work.
8. Those who are either employed or unemployed are in laboured force.
Employed include also the adult that study, keep house, retired, look for work, or is simply ill
Книга: Англійська для економістів - Гаращенко
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