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Скачати одним файлом. Книга: Англійська для економістів - Гаращенко
3 Economic factors in national development
But there are other factors that help to account for the speed or tardiness of a nation’s development. There are the racial traits or customs of the people – the artistic ability of the French, for example, or the leisurely habits of the Latin Americans. In the production and distribution of goods, there is the advantage of an early start; there is the matter of availability of labour and capital, as well as the degree of skill of workers and technicians; and there is the attitude of the government – through its control of tariffs and subsidies – towards economic development.
Until very years, industrial power has been concentrated largely in Anglo-America, Western Europe, and the former USSR. Here were located the so-called “rich” nations, whereas the “poor” or “developing” nations stretched across a great part of the face of the earth. The West has been well aware that the centre of gravity of world problems today is in Asia and Africa. It is in these continents that are required agricultural and industrial development, better education, better housing, and improved health services.
The requirements of the new nations are great. But the resources remain largely undeveloped. The people are still often illiterate but they seek enlightenment and guidance. The responsibility of “rich” nations is still tremendous in spite of what has already been accomplished. The old traditional world is dying; a radical new world is being born.
Vocabularyto be engaged – бути зайнятим
to obtain – здобувати, придбати
fuel – паливо, пальне
luxury – розкіш, предмети розкоші
shallow – мілководний, неглибокий
depth – глибина
pulp – паперова маса
flour – борошно, мука
fertile – родючий
tardiness – уповільнення
trait – штрих, риса
advantage – перевага
availability – придатність, доступність
subsidy – субсидія, пільга
to locate – міститися
to be aware – знати, бути обізнаним, усвідомлювати
gravity – важливість, серйозність
to require – вимагати, пропонувати
to improve – поліпшувати, удосконалювати
to remain – залишатись
illiterate – неписьменний
enlightenment – просвіта
tremendous – величезний
in spite of – не зважати на, всупереч
to accomplish – завершувати.
I. Complete the sentences using the text:1. The activities of a man are engaged largely in obtaining ... .
2. But there are other factors that ... .
3. In the production and distribution of goods, there is ... .
4. Until very years, industrial power has been concentrated ... .
5. The West has been well aware that ... .
6. The people are still often illiterate but ... .
7. The old traditional world ... .
II. Say whether these statements are true or false and if they are false, say why.1. The activities of a man are engaged largely in obtaining two major classes of goods - clothing, shelter.
2. In making provision for six major classes of goods, we depend largely on physical factors.
3. There are only racial traditions or customs of people that help to account for the speed or tardiness of a nation’s development.
4. So-called «rich» nations were located in Anglo-America, Western Europe.
5. The west has been well aware that agricultural and industrial development, better education, better housing and improved health services are required in Asia and Africa.
6. The requirements of the new nations are not great.
7. The responsibility of «Rich» nations for the new nations is still tremendous.
8. The old traditional world is dying: a radical New World is being born.
III. Answer the questions basing your answers on the text:1. What are the activities of a man engaged in?
2. Why do we depend on physical factors in making provision?
3. What helps us to account for the speed on tardiness of the nations development?
4. What is very important for production and distribution of goods?
5. Where are developing nations located?
6. What are the major problems of developing countries?
7. Why is the responsibility of «rich» nations still tremendous?
Книга: Англійська для економістів - Гаращенко
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