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Скачати одним файлом. Книга: Англійська для економістів - Гаращенко
4 Independence of national economics
1/ Nations associated in G.A.T.T. (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs). Many countries entered this Agreement and made tariff concessions to one another. The first Agreement was in 1947.
2/ E.F.T.A. (European Free Trade Association). Members of this Association reduced duties on most industrial goods produced and sold among themselves.
3/ L.A.F.T.A. (Latin American Free Trade Association). Its members agreed to remove customs duties and other trade barriers at a minimum reduction rate of eight per cent annually.
4/ A.P.L.A. (Alliance for Progress with Latin American). This alliance was sponsored by President Kennedy in 1961. Its aims were partly humanitarian and partly to offset the influence of Cuba.
So long as Latin American partners did not expropriate American owned properties, they could receive large United States foreign appropriation for their economic development.
5/ E. E. C. (European Economic Community) or the common Market. This group came into existence on January 1, 1958.
Western Europe has rolled up its sleeves and gone to work. The results has been an economic miracle. Shattered by war, countries that once were enemies have banded together and the economic community is growing as strong as steel that rolls from its factories. At the outset there were six members - the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, West Germany and Italy. The aim of the E.E.C. was to abolish all obstacles to economic growth – to secure a completely tariff-free internal Community. Tariffs were not all to be abolished at one time, but on a gradual basis. But common tariffs were to be placed on goods coming into the Community from other countries.
In the first three years of its existence industrial production rose by 25 per cent compared with 13 per cent in Great Britain and 8 per cent in the United States. Foreign capital flowed into the Community in increasing quantities. Some 500 American firms - big stores, automobile plants, oil companies, etc. moved in and established themselves in the Common Market. Most jobs became available almost immediately, wages improved. Other countries watched this transformation worth more than passing interest; several supplications for membership in the Community were made.
Vocabularyto be alone – бути одиноким, самотнім
to establish – встановлювати, засновувати
to bring about – здійснювати, викликати
concession – поступка, концепція
to reduce – зменшувати, знижувати
a minimum reduction rate – мінімальний тариф зниження
annually – щорічно
alliance – союз
partly to offset – частково компенсувати
foreign appropriation – іноземне асигнування
to come into existence – почати існувати
to roll up sleeves – закачувати рукава
an economic miracle – економічне диво
shattered by war – розбиті вщент війною
at the outset – спочатку
to abolish all obstacles – знищити всі перешкоди
to become available – стати доступним
several supplications – декілька прохань.
I. Fill in the missing words or phrases.1. Regional groups of many countries have therefore been established ... – ... of economic integration.
2. Members of E.F.T.A ... on most industrial goods produced and sold among themselves.
3. Members of L.A.F.T.A agreed ... and other trade barriers.
4. The aims of A.P.L.A were partly ... and partly ... the influence of Cuba.
5. At the outset there were ... the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, West Germany and Italy.
6. The aim of the E.E.C. was ... to economic growth – ... internal Community.
7. Foreign capital ... in increasing quantities.
8. Most jobs became ... most immediately, wages... .
II. Say whether these statements are true or false and if they are false, say why.1. After World War II many nations realised to integrate but not to be alone.
2. Five regional groups have been established to provide some measures of economic integration.
3. Latin American partners could receive large foreign appropriation for their economic development.
4. Western Europe has rolled up its sleeves and gone to work but there was no success.
5. At the outset there were six members in the economic community.
6. The aim of the E.E.C. was to abolish all obstacles to economic growth.
7. Common tariffs were abolished on goods coming into the Community from other countries.
8. In the first three years of its existence the community achieved a great progress.
9. American capital flowed into the Community, there appeared new jobs.
III. Answer the questions basing your answers on the text:1. What have many nations come to realise since the World War II?
2. How many regional groups have been established?
3. What was the aim of establishing regional groups?
4. Why could Latin American partners receive large foreign appropriation for their economic development?
5. What countries were the first members in the economic community?
6. What was the aim of the E.E.C.?
7. Were all tariffs abolished at one time?
8. Prove that the economic community has been a great success since the first years of its existence?
Книга: Англійська для економістів - Гаращенко
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