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Скачати одним файлом. Книга: Англійська для економістів - Гаращенко
8 National income and distribution
Now the process of sharing this national income, among those who helped to produce it, is called distribution. A large share goes to the workers in the form of wages or salaries. But there are other groups who receive their rewards for their part in the productive prices. There are the owners of natural resources who receive their rents; there are the capitalists who get interesting their bonds or mortgages; and there are the entrepreneurs or operators of enterprises whose reward is in the form of profits.
Total disposable income is not exactly the same as total national income. Most of the disposable income is used in the purchase of goods and services. But part of it represents personal savings. People cannot dispose of the full amount that they have earned by their labour or by their investments as they may wish, because of heavy direct taxes, chiefly income taxes. On the other hand, some families are able to add to their disposable incomes by receiving pensions or family allowances from the government. To sum up, disposable income refers to the total income that people are actually free to spend or save as they choose.
Vocabularygross national product – валовий національний продукт
to define – визначати, встановлювати
to estimate – оцінювати
deductions – відрахування
depreciation – знецінювання, амортизація
remainder – залишок
to share – розділяти
distribution – розподіл, роздача
national income – національний доход
wages – заробітна плата робітників
salary – заробітна плата службовців ( оклад )
productive prices – виробничі ціни
owners of natural resources – власники природних ресурсів
rent – рента, оренда, плата
mortgage – застава
entrepreneur – підприємець
enterprise – підприємство
profit – прибуток
total disposable income – загальний доход, яким можна розпоряджатись
to dispose of – розпоряджатись
allowances from the government – гроші на витрати, які сім’я одержує від уряду
to spend money – витрачати гроші
to save money – заощаджувати гроші
to choose – вибирати
I. Complete the sentences using the text:1. The gross national product is usually defined as ... .
2. Now the process of sharing this national income ... .
3. There are the owners of natural resources who ... .
4. Total disposable income is ... .
5. Disposable income refers to ... .
II. Say whether these statements are true or false and if they are false, say why.1. The gross national product is usually defined as the estimated dollar value of all goods and services produced within a counting in a given year.
2. Distribution is the process of sharing the national income among those who helped to produce it.
3. There are many groups of people who receive their rewards for their part in the productive prices.
4. Total disposable income is the same as total national income.
5. Some families are able to add to their disposable incomes by receiving pensions or family allowances from the government.
6. Disposable income is concerned with the total income that people spend or save as they choose.
III. Answer the questions, basing your answers on the text:
1. How is the gross national product defined?
2. What deductions are made from this gross national product?
3. What is distribution?
4. What rewards do people receive depending on their part in the productive process?
5. Where is the disposable income used?
6. What is disposable income?
Книга: Англійська для економістів - Гаращенко
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