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Скачати одним файлом. Книга: Практична англійська - Гаращенко
Grammar Exercises
II.Translate into English1. Вона лікар? –Так. 2. Ій 17 років? –Ні. 3. Йому 14 чи 15? – Йому 14. 4. Цей м’яч маленький. 5. Вони зайняті, чи не так? 6. Його немає вдома. 7. Це важкий чи легкий текст? 8. Зараз 11 година. 9. Холодно. 10. Холодно? 11. Холодно, чи не так? 12. Мені холодно. 13. Холодно чи жарко в залі? 14. В залі не жарко, чи не так?
III. Learn the expressions and use them in the sentences of your own
to be angry, to be hungry, to be thirsty, to be cold (hot), to be in (out), to be fond of, to be interested in, to be well (bad), to be about, to be away, to be late for, to be in time for.
IV. Make these nouns plural :Hand, branch, school, film, class, place, price, fox, glass, dish, leaf, knife, roof, lady, money, toy, hero, tomato, foot, tooth, man, deer, cattle, shelf.
V. Do you know the plurals of the following wordsterminus – termini, basis – bases , memorandum – memoranda, analysis – analyses, datum – data, crisis – crises, nucleus – nuclei, index – indices, phenomenon – phenomena.
VI. Change the number of the noun in bold type, making any other necessary changes1. I have hurt my foot. 2. The last leaf fell from the tree. 3. The roof of the house has covered with snow. 4. There is a potato in the plate. 5. Where is a glass? 6. The deer is a graceful animal. 7. What’s the news this morning? The news is good. 8. He gave me his advice. 9. There was a fish in the net. 10. This shelf contains several books on different subjects. 11. The sheep is grazing in the meadow.
VII. Use the Possessive Case instead of ”of-phrase ”1. The new club of the workers; 2. The poems of Shevchenko; 3. The voice of her mother; 4. The pages of the book; 5. The orders of the commander; 6. The offer of the seller; 7. The conclusions of the expert; 8.The birthday of my friend; 9.The streets of Kyiv. 10. A flock of birds. 11. The house of the doctor; 12. The location of the enemy.
VIII. Use ”of-phrase” instead of the Possessive Case in the following sentences1. Britain’s climate is not cold in winter. 2. This country’s wealth is oil. 3. My friend’s garden is beautiful. 4. The student’s lessons begin at 9 o’clock. 5. This writers’ works were published many times. 6. Our city’s streets are green and wide. 7. The miners’ meeting was held on the outskirts of the town. 8. We admire Repin’s and Levitan’s pictures. 9. Everything in the children’s room was the work of the children.
IX. Put in ”have” or ”has”1. England ... a mild climate. 2. She didn’t ... a letter from him last week. 3. You ... some mistakes in your pronunciation. 4. This boy ... a good influence on his friend. 5. ... you many friends in your group? 6. Our students ... a lot of work to do at the end of the term. 7. We ... to finish our work at 4 o’clock. 8. I ... translated nothing for a week, not even a page. 9. He ... no patience.
X. Put in the definite or the indefinite article where necessary1. They learned English for half ... hour and then began to read ... historical novel. 2. Does ... sun shine brightly in ... winter? No, it doesn’t. 3. He is ... chief of the book-keeping department of ... large organisation. 4. Will you please give me ... pen and ... sheets of paper. 5. Is there ... letter for me? 6. What ... strange man! 7. Yesterday I spoke to ... man who had just returned from ... Arctic expedition. 8. Here is ... book you need. 9. He is ... man whom we all admire. 10. Students from foreign countries of ... Europe, ... Africa and ... Latin America study in Kyiv. 11. ... clock in ... hall is slow. 12. Is that ... man whom they are looking for? 13. ... English people often talk about ... weather. 14. Autumn is ... season of harvesting. 15. ... Thames flows through London. 16. Is ... ring made of ... gold? Yes, it is.
XI. Translate these sentences. Explain the absence of the article with the nouns in bold type1. He never showed any fear in face of danger. 2. What cold rainy weather we are having! 3. We turned west and soon sighted land in the distance. 4. When tea was ready we sat down to table. 5. Winter is almost gone; spring is coming soon. 6. The apple tree was in full blossom. 7. Elbrus is the highest mountain in the Caucasus. 8. Snow covered the ground.
Книга: Практична англійська - Гаращенко
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