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Скачати одним файлом. Книга: Практична англійська - Гаращенко
2. Topic: Our Academy; Grammar: Pronouns, adjectives
Grammar: Pronouns, adjectives
I. Read the following wordsPurpose, serve, graduate, various, industry, specialist, ocean, market , citizen, property, social, scholarship, access, season, management, enterprise, labour, marketing, subject.
II. Read and translate the following text State TAX Service AcademyOur educational establishment has a long history. It was founded in 1921 in Kyiv for training specialists in peat developing. After Great Patriotic War it was removed to a small town not far from Kyiv, Irpin. For three decades it was known as a technical secondary school, then a college. And in 1996 it was charted as the Ukrainian Institute for Economics and Finance in march of 2000 it has got the name.
There are four departments at our Academy at present: Law Department, Accounting Department, Finance Department and Tax Militia Department.
The purpose of the Institute is to educate students to serve in the branches of economy. The graduates from the Institute will work at various branches of industry, agriculture, finance and banking system accounting and statistics computing information, State Tax Authorities . Our graduates are specialists of new formation. They keep up with progress and are able to run in the ocean of commodity and market relations.
The overwhelming majority of the students receive state scholarship and are provided with hostel accommodation. The students have free access to the libraries, reading-rooms, laboratories, computing center, studies, sport facilities etc.
Many young people prefer to combine studies with work for various reasons. They are admitted to the Institute extra-mural department.
The course of studies at the Academy lasts for four, five years. The academic year is divided into two terms. The students have an examination session at the end of each term. At the end of their studies they have to submit a graduation paper and take the state examinations. The Academy offers a curriculum of economic subjects:
Finance Statistics, Accounting, Economics and Management of Enterprises, Enterprise Business, Labour Resources, Marketing, Computer Information System, International Relations, Taxation, Insurance.
The instructors and professors of our Academy take into account the experience of West countries in the field of training specialists at the Universities of the USA, Germany.
Comments1. to be founded – бути заснованим
2. peat – торф
3. to chart – створювати, засновувати (на основі указу)
4. to run – керувати, вести;
to run a business – вести справу;
to run a factory – керувати фабрикою;
to run an enterprise – керувати підприємством
5. hostel accommodation – місце в гуртожитку
6. have free access – можуть безкоштовно користуватись
7. a curriculum – програма
8. to take into account – брати до уваги
II. Find the English in the right-hand column for the following1. вищий навчальний заклад 1. commodity and market relations
2. у сфері промисловості і торгівлі 2. accounting and statistics
3. різні галузі 3. in the field of industry and trade
4. фінанси та банківська справа 4. higher educational establishment
5. облік та статистика 5. various branches
6. товарно-ринкові відносини 6. finance and banking system
7. обчислювальний центр 7. international relations
8. переважна більшість 8. management of enterprises
9. йти у ногу з прогресом 9. to take into account
10. програма економічних дисциплін 10. labour resources
11. міжнародні відносини 11. computing center
12. трудові ресурси 12. acurriculum of economic subjects
13. управління підприємством 13. overwhelming majority
14. брати до уваги 14. to keep up with progress
III. Complete the following sentences1. And in 1996 it was charted ... . 2. There are four departments ... .3. The purpose of the Institute ... . 4. The students have free access ... . 5. Many young people prefer ... . 6. The students have an examination session ... . 7. The Institute offers ... . 8. The instructors and professors of our Institute take into account ... .
IV. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs if necessary1. These economists graduated ... the Institute for Economics and Finance a year ago. 2. Our Institute trains ... specialists ... high qualification. 3. The graduates will work ... industry. 4. My friend will work ... a plant ... graduating ... the Institute. 5. The students ... the extra-mural department combine their work with ... studies. 6. Many students of our Institute are provided ... hostel accommodation. 7. The students of our Institute have free access ... the libraries and laboratories. 8. The excellent students keep ... ... progress and are capable to solve the most important problems ... science.
V. Translate the following sentences into English1. Моя сестра працює в промисловості. Вона спеціаліст в галузі управління підприємством. 2. Мій товариш поєднує роботу з навчанням. Наступного року він буде захищати диплом в галузі трудових ресурсів. 3. Вони відмінно вчаться і можуть брати активну участь в розв’язанні важливих економічних задач.
VI. Answer the following questions1. When our educational establishment was founded? 2. What is the history of the Academy? 3. What is the purpose of the Academy? 4. Where do the graduates from the Academy serve? 5. What are the majority of the students provided with? 6. Where do the students have free access to? 7. What departments are there at our Academy? 8. How long does the course of studies at the Institute last? 9. When do the students have an examination session? 10. What do the students have to submit at the end of their studies? 11. What do the instructors and professors take into account?
VII. Speak about State TAX Service AcademyVIII. Learn the dialogue by heart
L.: Hello, Peter? Where to?
P.: To the Library.
L.: Is the library open till late in the evening.
P.: Oh, yes. I believe it’s open till half past nine. But I never stay at the library so long. I usually read some books and journals, make notes and look through newspapers and magazines.
L.: What about your English Lessons?
P.: I generally do them at home as I have all the necessary books and text books.
L.: What classes are you going to have today?
P.: Today we have a lecture in political economy, a seminar in economic history and an English class.
L.: And how many examinations are you going to have at the end of this term?
P.: We are going to have three examinations: in mathematics, economic history and political economy, and two credit-test: in English and computers.
L.: What is a credit-test? Isn’t it the same as an examination?
P.: No,it isn’t quite the same in form, and we don’t get any marks for credit-tests.
L.: Oh, sorry, Peter. Here is my bus. See you tomorrow. Bye-bye!
P.: Bye-bye!
Книга: Практична англійська - Гаращенко
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