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3. Topic: We study a foreign language; Grammar: Modal verbs
Grammar: modal verbs
I. Read the following wordsForeign, language, German, during, century, Danish, influence, Norman, Latin, reason, interesting, politics, science, learning, native, tongue, flexible, knowledge, ancient, occupy, period, conquer, servant, pronunciation, throughout, impose, commence, desire.
II.Read and translate the following text We study a foreign languageThe students of our Institute study one of four foreign languages. I studied English at school so I’m going to perfect it at the Institute. But my friend Galina studies German, and Natasha studies French.
The total number of languages in the world is about 5000. The most widespread languages are Chinese, English, Spanish, Russian and others. These languages are alive, i.e. they are in use. In addition to these, there are ”dead” languages which are no more means of communication. There are old Greek, Latin, Old Slavonic. There is also a number of artificial or universal or world languages. The world-known artificial language is Esperanto. There are also programming languages that are used in computers. These are specialized languages.
English is one of the richest languages and spoken practically all over the world. But the language itself has a long history of development.
The ancient inhabitants of Great Britain were the Celts. The language then was not like the English of today. Only a few their words remained in the language now, spoken by the English people. Then G.B. was occupied by the Romans. The Roman period of British history lasted 465 years. The Romans brought a few Roman words into the English: Street, Lincoln, Doncaster and some other names. Then the Saxons came and settled down in the land they conquered. These Germans were the founders of the English nation. By and by came other Germanic tribes who settled on different parts of the coast. Among these tribes were people called the Angles. When the Angles and Saxons grew into one, they were called Anglo-Saxons or Angles (English). The general name they gave to the country in which they had settled was England. The Saxons as well as the Angles called their speech English.
The Normanns came then. Though the Normanns became the masters of England and the Saxon became their servants, the Saxons didn’t want to speak their language and the Normanns had to learn English to make the English people understand their orders. In this way Anglo-Saxons’ changed a little by the Normanns became real English language of the future, and that’s why the pronunciation of English words differs so much from their spelling.
Now English is the mother tongue throughout the continent of North America (the USA and Canada) in the British Isles, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.
For a long time English was the most important of the languages of the colonial countries in Africa, Asia, Australia and Oceania. English was imposed of the enslaved nations as the only means of communication. With the growth of national liberation movement most of the former British colonies have gained their independence. With the end of the British Empire, English, however, has not lost it’s dominant position in the former colonies.
English is also the international language of commerce. It is one of five languages used in the United Nations Organisation. English is studied as a foreign language in our secondary and higher schools. I am a first year student of State TAX Service Academy . I study English. It is one of my favourite subjects.
At our English lessons we learn to speak English. We study pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar.
I can understand spoken English all right, but I find it difficult to speak. My great desire is to have a good knowledge of English & to speak English fluently: I’d like to visit G.B. too.
Comments1. The total number – загальна кількість
2. the most widespread languages – найпоширеніші мови
3. alive – живий
4. in addition – на додаток
5. all over the world – в усьому світі syn. throughout the world
6. the ancient inhabitants – древні жителі
7. to occupy – займати
8. to settle down – оселитись
9. to conquer – захоплювати
10. that’s why – ось чому
11. to differ from – відрізнятись
12. spelling – правопис
13. to impose – нав’язувати
14. as the only means of communication – як єдиний засіб спілкування
15. liberation movement – визвольний рух
16. to gain one’s independence – здобути свободу
17. to speak fluently – розмовляти вільно
III. Find the Ukrainian in the right-hand column for the following1. to perfect a language 1. всесвітньовідома штучна мова
2. the total number of languages 2. господарі та слуги
3. means of communication 3. вимова відрізняється від
4. the world-known artificial language правопису
5. practically all over the world 4. міжнародна мова комерції
6. to bring into (торгівлі)
7. the founders of the English nation 5. колишні колонії
8. to grow into 6. вивчати вимову, слова, граматику
9. the masters and the servants 7. удосконалювати мову
10. in this way 8. засоби спілкування
11. the pronunciation differs from the 9. практично в усьому світі
spelling 10. загальна кількість мов
12. the growth of national liberation 11. засновники англійської
movement нації
12. таким чином
13. the international language of 13. приносити
commerce 14. ріст національно-визвольного
14. the former colonies руху
15. to study pronunciation, vocabulary 15.зростати
and grammar
IV. Complete the following sentences1. The total number of languages in the world is ... . 2. The most widespread languages are ... . 3. The world-known artificial language is ... . 4. First G.B. was occupied by the Romans then by ... . 5. The Saxons called their speech ... . 6. The pronunciation of English words differs from their ... . 7. Now English is spoken ... . 8. English is one of five languages used ... . 9. English is studied as a foreign language in our ... . 10. At our English lessons we study ... .
V. Say if it is right1. There are alive and dead languages. 2. English is spoken on the American continent only. 3. Chinese is the most wide-spread language. 4. The ancient inhabitants of G.B. were Angles and Saxons. 5. The Roman period lasted 465 years. 6. Germanic tribes were the founders of the English nation. 7. The English people made the Normanns learn their language. 8. English was imposed on the people in the colonial countries. 9. English has not lost its dominant position in the former colonies. 10. English is the international language of commerce and one of five languages used in the United Nations Organisation.
VI. Fill in the prepositions1. The total number ... languages ... the world is ... 5000. 2. There is also a number ... artificial or universal languages. 3. English is one ... the richest languages and spoken practically all ... the world. 4. The Romans brought a few Roman words ... the English. 5. English was imposed ... the enslaved nations as the only means ... communication.
VII. Answer the following questions1. What languages do our students study?
2. What is the total number of languages in the world?
3. What are the most widespread languages?
4. What is a ”dead” language?
5. What ”dead” languages do you know?
6. Where are programming languages used?
7. Who were the ancient inhabitants of G.B.?
8. Who was G.B. occupied by?
9. What did the Romans bring into English?
10. Who were the founders of the English nation?
11. Who named the country England?
12. Why did the Normanns have to learn English?
13. What countries is English spoken in?
14. Is English spoken in the former colonies?
15. What fields is English used?
16. Is it studied in this country?
17. What do you do at your English lessons?
VIII. Speak on the text ”We study a foreign language” Grammar Modal verb can (could) I. Read and translate1. Jack can run for two hours without a rest. 2. Ann can give you good advice. 3. Ann can speak three languages. 4. You can address the teacher and ask him about his problem. 5. It is raining. You can take my raincoat. 6. Can I help you? 7. Can I ask a question? 8. He can’t be an accountant, he can’t add up.
II. Make these sentences (a) interrogative, (b) negativePatterns: It can be raining today.
Can it be raining today?
It cannot be raining today.
1. He can speak English quite well. 2. It can type this letter for you. 3. She can read English book now. 4. They can do it for you today. 5. We can speak English a little. 6. It can be paid in dollars. 7. It can be cold today. 8. We could offer you advertising materials.
III. Read and memorize1. Can I reserve a ticket for the 6th of April? 2. Could you tell me how to get to the Ukrainian Institute for Economics and Finance? 3. Can I book a single room from now until Monday? 4. Where can I book a ticket for a train? 5. Where can I exchange money? 6. Can I take a message? 7. Can I speak to Mr. Smith? 8. Could you ask him to call me? 9.We can’t speak about it over the phone. 10. We can sign the contract tomorrow. 11. Can you reduce the time of delivery? 12. Could you speak up the delivery? 13. Could you reduce the price? 14. We can’t allow this situation to continue.
IV. Translate into English from UkrainianPattern: Не може бути, щоб Емілі сказала це.
Emily can’t have said it.
1. Не може бути, щоб ви це зробили.
2. Не може бути, щоб ви даремно гаяли час.
3. Не може бути, щоб вони порушили ваші плани.
4. Не може бути, щоб Лінда нас бачила.
V. Translate into Ukrainian (to be able to)1. I shall be able to go skiing next weekend. 2. You are able to go swimming. 3. We’ll be able to help you next week. 4. She was able to go to her friend’s place. Will you be able to get there in time?
Modal verb may (might) VI. Read and translate1. You may go with me. 2. May i sit here. 3. You may ring me up if you need my help. 4. You may open the window if it is hot. 5. You may not smoke here. 6. You may not take the book home. 7. Ann may have taken little money with her. 8. Jack may have been in Kyiv on the 1st of May. 9. You may take a biscuit.
VII. Give short affirmative and negative answers1. May I come in? 2. May I go out? 3. May I have a cup of coffee? 4. May I speak to you now? 5. May I smoke here? 6. May we take this opportunity to congratulate you on your appointment?
VIII. Use ”might” in these sentences1. The weather was fine, the children (walk) in the park. 2. If he (answer) the last question more correctly, he (pass). 3. If you (send) the parcel by air, it (arrive) a week slower than it did.
IX. Memorize the proverbs1. You may break the body, but you cannot break the spirit. 2. A fool may ask more questions than a wise man can answer. 3. One false move may lose game.
Modal verb must, need X. Read and translate into Ukrainian1. You must work systematically. 2. He must be attentive at the lessons. 3. You have worked hard all day, you must be tired. 4. He must be waiting for you already. 5. Must I pay in advance? 6. You must pay extra.
XI. Read the following dialogue. Pay special attention in the use of ”must”, ”mustn’t” and ”needn’t”Nick: We are having a meeting at the Institute, Mary. Will you come?
Mary: Thanks. I’d like to come but I have lectures in the afternoon. Must I come at 4 o’clock?
Nick: Oh no, you needn’t come at four, you mustn’t be too late on all the best cakes will be eaten.
Mary: But I must go home first to put on another frock.
Nick: Oh, you needn’t do that. You will be late if you do. The frock you are wearing is very nice.
Mary: Oh, yes, I must change my frock, but you needn’t worry, I shan’t be very late, I’ll be there by half past four.
Have to XII. Change the following sentences into the negative and interrogative1. Students often have to work at the laboratory after classes. 2. To ny had to take entrance exams in August. 3. You will have to come here twice a week. 4. She had to spend a lot of money on books. 5. They had to stay there for a long time. 6. Ann always has to get up early. 7. He has to work hard at his pronunciation. 8. Lucy has to help her little brother and sister to prepare their lessons. 9. You will have to join some sports society. 10. She has to clean the flat herself.
XIII. Fill in the spaces in the following sentences by inserting ”must” on the present, past or future forms of ”have to”1. The buses were too full, I ... get a taxi. 2. Railway notice: Passengers ... be in possession of a ticket. 3. You ... read this book. It’s really excellent. 4. She felt ill and ... leave early. 5. Tell them that they ... be here by six. I insist on it.
To be to XIV. Translate into Ukrainian1. I am to make report next week. 2. We were to meet our friends at the station. 3. The students are to come for the consultation at 3. 4. He is to make his report at next seminar.
XV. Practice the following according to the modelWhat were your instructions about phoning Bill? I was to phone him at 6.00.
What were your instructions about ... 1. Reporting? 2. Posting the documents? 3. Meeting George? 4. Contacting Willy? 5. Learning?
Should, Ought to XVI. Translate the sentences1. They ought to pay us the money they owe. 2. We ought to meet and discuss the forms of cancelling our agreement. 3. He should visit Head office. 4. It should be a nice day tomorrow. 5. You should be more careful. 6. They were taught to solve such problems, so they ought to know how to do it.
XVII. Put ”can”, ”may”, ”must”, ”should”, ”ought to”, ”have to”, ”be to”, ”be able to” (or negative forms) and ”needn’t” in the spaces1. If you don’t know the meaning of the word you ... use a dictionary. 2. Years ago I ... swim well. 3. ... you help me with my homework? Yes, I ... . 4. You ... see the new musical on Broadway. 5. The matter ... be discussed in tomorrow’s debate. 6. They ... do all the exercises; it will be sufficient if they do four of them. 7. He’s tired. He ... work hard. 8. You ... keep that book. It doesn’t belong to you. 9. ... I get a visa? 10. Do I ... to fill a lot of forms? 11. She was feeling unwell yesterday; she have gone to the Institute. 12. I’ll ... to go to the supermarket. 13. ... you pass the cheese?
XVIII. Translate into English from Ukrainian1. Ви можете дістатися до інституту на метро? Ні. 2. Ви не могли б передати мені цього ділового листа? 3. Вона, мабуть, мало працювала протягом семестру, тому так погано склала екзамени. 4. Вам нічого хвилюватись. 5. Вам немає необхідності робити це. 6. Можливо, вона мені вчора дзвонила. 7. Можливо, ви закінчили писати статтю. 8. Мені потрібно зателефонувати містеру Флону. 9. Взяти з собою парасолю? Ні, це не потрібно. Дощу, мабуть, не буде. 10. Вам треба бути уважнішим на лекціях. 11. Ви могли б мене попередити раніше про те, що сталось. 12. Вам не слід було гуляти під дощем. Тепер вам доведеться провести кілька днів удома.
Книга: Практична англійська - Гаращенко
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