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Скачати одним файлом. Книга: Англійська граматика / Гусак
Simple cardinal numerals: one, two, three, four, five, ten, twenty, a hundred, a thousand, a million.
Compound cardinal numerals: two thousand forty six, nine million one hundred thousand, seventy five thousand three hundred;
Write down these figures in words:
1; 2; 6; 9; 5; 8;15; 20; 31; 42; 68; 44; 61; 82; 75; 99; 102; 120; 130; 241; 341; 1001; 2110; 17; 22; 35; 158; 10; 322; 1234; 567; 69; 87; 95; 26; 563; 679; 723; 855; 982.
Translate these numerals into English and write down them in figures:
Один, два, чотири, шість, сім, дев’ять, дванадцять, вісім, тринадцять, двадцять, двадцять сім, двадцять два, тридцять п’ять, сорок три, п’ятдесят вісім, шістдесят два, сімдесят дев’ять, сто, сто сорок, сто сімдесят два, двісті тридцять, тисячу п’ятсот, чотирнадцять, вісімнадцять, вісім, дві тисячі.
You can use only cardinal numerals in these cases: room five, flat twenty, Obolonska street four, bus ten, tram three, trolley bus seven, carriage six.
Note: in modern English you can also use — number three tram, number six bus, car number four.
Put in the necessary numerals in the sentences below:
1. Where is … (room four, the fifth room).
2. … is on the tenth floor (flat eighty two, the eighty second flat).
3. He has been living in Liuteranska (street five, the fifth street).
4. You can take … (tram six, the sixth tram) to get there.
5. Where is Paul? He is in … (carriage ten, the tenth carriage).
6. They always take … (bus thirty, the thirtieth bus) to get to the zoo.
7. Will you take … (trolley bus twenty, the twentieth trolley bus) to get to the theatre?
8. … (room forty, the fortieth room) is on the fifth floor.
9. Is this Teatralna … (street seven, the seventh street)?
10. They are in … (carriage eight, the eighth carriage).
Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Вони посадили десять вишень і двадцять яблунь.
2. Сто два будинки побудовано за цей рік.
3. У цій черзі тисяча осіб.
4. Де четверта кімната? Четверта кімната на другому поверсі.
5. Ви можете сісти на п’ятий автобус і доїхати до Хрещатика.
6. Де Ганна? Вона у другому вагоні.
7. Це вулиця Шовковична, п’ять?
8. Де ви бачили десятий тролейбус? За рогом.
9. Третій трамвай тут не ходить.
10. Сота квартира на двадцятому поверсі.
Here you have ordinal numerals: the first, the second, the tenth, the fifteenth, the twentieth, the hundredth, the thousandth, the millionth.
Note: The irregular spelling of: fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth; Also remember: May 17 — May the seventeenth; 15 April — the fifteenth of April;
Transform the following cardinal numerals into ordinal ones:
One, two, three, five, seven, ten, eleven, twelve, sixteen, twenty two, thirty four, eight, nine, a hundred, seventy one, one hundred twenty, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, seventeen, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty seven, ninety eight, two hundred.
a) Translate these numerals into English
Другий, п’ятий, сьомий, дев’ятий, восьмий, десятий, одинад¬цятий, тринадцятий, п’ятнадцятий, сімнадцятий, двадцять пер¬ший, тридцять другий, сорок шостий, п’ятдесят сьомий, шістде¬сят третій, сотий, сто перший, тисячний, мільйонний.
You can use ordinal numerals in these word combinations:
The tenth lesson, the second page, the fifth part, the first floor, the sixth chapter, the ninth paragraph, the tenth sentence. (We can use cardinal numerals also with the words paragraph, chapter, page, part, lesson, sentence.)
Choose the correct answer:
1. Room … is on the left of the corridor (the fifth, five).
2. Their flat is on … floor. You can easily find it (the second, two).
3. Here is the stop of tram … (the twentieth, twenty).
4. … sentence must be translated into French (four, the fifth).
5. He has … paragraph and starts making the report (six, the sixth).
6. Trolleybus … doesn’t run here any longer (ten, the tenth).
7. We write a composition on chapter … (seven, the seventh).
8. … carriage is next to our carriage (three, the third).
9. This exercise is on … page (eleven, the eleventh).
10. You can find their headquarters in Regent Street … (the eighth, eight).
Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Шоста сторінка в цій книжці брудна.
2. Це був мільйонний відвідувач, і він отримав подарунок.
3. Вони живуть на другому поверсі.
4. То був сотий лист, який вона отримала.
5. Джейн була першою, хто допоміг нам.
6. Він прийшов удруге, але нікого не було вдома.
7. Це друга частина цього роману.
8. Третій розділ цікавіший, ніж другий.
9. Він прочитав дев’ятий параграф.
10. Це було тридцяте речення, яке я переклала.
These are common fractions: 3/5 = three fifth; 1/3 = a third; 2/7 = two seventh; 1/17 = a seventeenth; 1/4= a fourth; 1/20 = a twentieth.
A whole number + a fraction can be followed directly by a plural noun: 2 1/4 = two and a quarter, 3 2/3 = three and two thirds.
These are decimal fractions: 0,1 = point one; 1,5 = one point five; 2,4 = two point four, 6,08 = six point oh eight.
Read aloud and write these common fractions and decimal ones in words:
1/25; 2/2; 1/5; 1/12; 1/35; 2/4; 4/5; 2/6; 1/30; 2/7; 1/15; 3/8; 2/9; 1/3; 4/6; 5/8.
2,1; 1,2; 3,4; 6,2; 10,5; 12,3; 4,6; 20,8; 40,3; 100,2; 1,5; 2,5; 50,3; 22,3.
Note! 50% — fifty per cent, 7,25% — seven point two five per cent;
Translate these numerals into English andress them in figures:
Одна десята, дві п’ятих, три сімнадцятих, одна восьма, чотири шостих, одна друга, чотири сьомих, дві сотих, одна ціла дві десятих, нуль цілих три десятих, чотири цілих шість десятих, десять цілих сім десятих, п’ятнадцять цілих вісім десятих, двадцять цілих три десятих, сто цілих сім десятих.
Fill in the correct numerals:
1. He was … in this long line (one, the first).
2. She has … nice kittens (five, the fifth).
3. They live on … floor (six, the sixth).
4. We have read … books this summer (twenty, the twentieth).
5. Herbert learned … task better than … (the second, two, the first, one).
6. Jane bought … new balls for her children to play (three, the third).
7. Where is … dress? It was on the chair (two, the second).
8. We have … nice puppies and we are so happy to have them (six, sixth).
9. She bought … fur coat. She has a collection of them (the tenth, ten).
10. They played … games of chess last week (twelve, the twelfth).
Choose the correct answer:
1. Where is Andy? He is in …
a) the tenth carriage; b) carriage ten; c) ten carriage.
2. There are … students in this group.
a) twenty; b) twentieth; c) the twenty.
3. Our flat is on … floor and our windows face the park.
a) five floor; b) the fifth ; c) floor five.
4. She has already read … pages and now she is on page twenty one.
a) twenty; b) the twentieth; c) twentieth.
5. Going there you can take … and get there very quickly.
a) the third bus; b) bus three; c) bus third.
6. Ben was … to come there on time.
a) one; b) first; c) the first.
7. Where is … book? It is over here, on the table.
a) two; b) the second; c) second.
8. My dog has … puppies this time and I can give you one of them.
a) four; b) fourth; c) the fourth.
9. He did only … of this task.
a) a third; b) three; c) the third.
10. We see … written on the blackboard.
a) two four; b) two point four; c) a two four.
Put in the correct words from the box:
seven, six, is, bus ten, go, ten, a lot of, two, room, first, two, Ayton Road ten
Andy Stewart lives in (1) …There are (2) … floors in his house. His bedroom is on (3) … floor. His favourite room is a living (4) … which is on the ground floor. Andy has a nice garden with (5) … pine trees. There are (6) … bushes of roses there. He is also fond of fuch-sias and has (7) … kinds of them in his garden. Andy and his wife Sally sometimes (8) … to a vegeterian restaurant. As a rule they take (9) … and go there. Andy (10) … fond of books and he is reading an Agatha Cristie now. He has read (11) … chapters and now he is on chapter (12) …
Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Вона купила три сукні і дві пари черевиків.
2. Моя квартира коштує п’ятдесят тисяч доларів.
3. Восьма кімната на другому поверсі.
4. Він сів на сороковий автобус і доїхав до центру.
5. Діти в шостому вагоні й учитель з ними.
6. Василь живе на вулиці Театральній, сімдесят два.
7. Сьомий трамвай тут більше не ходить.
8. Третя квартира на шостому поверсі.
9. У цій книжці тридцять чотири розділи.
10. Це мільйонний житель нашого міста.
Write down these numerals in words:
2; 12; 23; 44; 1/3; 1003; 367; 2/5; 3,6; 243; 4,6; 4; 589; 5/8; 6,9; 786;165; 4,6; 3283; 25; 306; 1894; 1/5; 2,8; 88; 92; 3/7; 938;
Choose the correct answer:
1. … is on the fifth floor round the corner.
a) room ten; b) the tenth room; c) ten room.
2. Where is Anna? She is in …
a) the second car-riage; b) carriage two; c) carriage second.
3. You can take … and get there.
a) seventh bus; b) bus seven; c) the seventh bus.
4. Is this Kostiolna street … ?
a) thirty first; b) thirty one; c) the thirty first.
5. There are … units in this hand manual.
a) twenty two; b) twenty second; c) the twenty second.
6. This is … part of this novel.
a) three; b) the third; c) third.
7. Nearly … of our class entered the universities and institutes.
a) two third; b) two three; c) a two third.
8. … percent of Ukrainan territory is flat.
a) ninety five; b) a ninety fifth; c) the ninety fifth.
9. Richard did … task better than the fist.
a) two; b) second; c) the second.
10. There is only … of natural juice in this drink.
a) thirty point five; b) a thirty point five; c) a thirty five.
Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Він купив чотири будинки в цьому році.
2. Мій друг написав уже три четвертих роману про Єгипет (Egypt).
3. Вона завжди їздить додому на шостому автобусі.
4. Кейт була першою в цій довжелезній черзі.
5. Ми переклали п’ятнадцяте речення і зробили перерву.
6. Де восьма кімната? Вона на третьому поверсі.
7. Діти знаходяться в десятому вагоні з батьком.
8. Двадцятий тролейбус тут більше не ходить.
9. Вони живуть за адресою: вулиця Семашко, тридцять чотири.
10. Він написав на дошці сім цілих п’ять десятих.
Put in the missing words from the box into the gaps:
ten, twelve, five, six, around, two floors, bus three, in, Crossmyloof Gardens five, is
Katia (1) … my best friend. She lives in (2) … not far from my house. Katia has a house (3) … the country. She usually takes (4) … to go to the railway station and then she takes a suburban train. The house has (5) … There is a nice orchid (6) … it. There are (7) … ap-ple trees, (8) … cherry trees and (9) … apricot trees in the orchid. Ka-tia is fond of flowers very much and she has (10) … bushes of roses around the house. This year she planted (11) … dahlias and worked a lot at them.
Choose the correct answer:
1. His address is … flat sixty two.
a) Shuliavska street four; b) the fourth Shu-liavska street; c) Shuliavska street the fourth.
2. This is … which you should know quite well.
a) lesson ten; b) ten lesson; c) lesson the tenth.
3. It is … part of this novel.
a) two; b) the second; c) second.
4. We see … written there on the blackboard.
a) three point two; b) a three point two; c) third point two.
5. Where is … ? It is on the ninth floor.
a) sixth room; b) room six; c) the sixth room.
6. He saw … plane that sunny summer day.
a) five; b) the fifth; c) fifth.
7. Here we have … percent of the thesis.
a) two third; b) a two third; c) two three.
8. This flat is on … floor of a new house opposite the park.
a) first; b) one; c) the first.
9. We have … bushes of roses in our garden.
a) seven; b) the seventh; c) seventh.
10. Can I take … to get to the post office?
a) bus forty; b) the fortieth bus; c) fortieth bus.
Write these numerals in words:
36; 4; 65; 1/3; 109; 23; 14; 2/6; 3,5; 534; 2008; 1324; 5,7; 78; 99; 456; 3/9; 2,5; 1/6; 1987; 3948; 2,8; 3/7; 27; 54; 743; 1145; 2/4; 6,3.
Choose the correct answer:
1. … is on the second floor over there.
a) room six; b) the sixth room; c) six room.
2. Is Tom with you here? No, he is in …
a) carriage fifth; b) five carriage; c) carriage five.
3. This is Obolonska street …
a) forty first; b) forty one; c) the forty first.
4. We usually take … to get to the university.
a) bus sixty one; b) the sixty first bus; c) sixty first bus.
5. There … units in this thesis.
a) thirty; b) thirtieth; c) the thirtieth.
6. This is … part of this work.
a) the first; b) one; c) first.
7. Nearly … of the students are late.
a) a two third; b) two third; c) two three.
8. … percent of Ukrainian territory is mountanious.
a) the fifth; b) fifth; c) five.
9. Kate did … task better than the second.
a) the third; b) a third; c) three.
10. There is only … of natural meat in this sausage.
a) thirty point five; b) a thirty point five; c) a thirty five.
Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Це тільки одна сьома цієї дисертації.
2. Дві п’ятих населення цієї країни — неписьменні.
3. Це мільйонна книжка, видана в цьому році.
4. У цій книжці двадцять п’ять розділів.
5. Сьома квартира на другому поверсі.
6. Ми їздимо третім автобусом до парку.
7. Том купив чотири пари кросівок.
8. Кімната дев’ять на першому поверсі.
9. Батько в другому вагоні разом з дітьми.
10. Тамара живе на вулиці Толстого, двадцять один.
Put in the missing words from the box into the gaps:
ten, twenty, three, five, around, three floors, bus ten, in, Lindon street seven, is
George (1) … Sam’s best friend. He lives in (2) … not far from Sam’s house. George has a house (3) … the country. He usually takes (4) … to go to the railway station and then he takes a suburban train. The house has (5) … There is a nice garden (6) … it. There are (7) … pine trees and (8) … oak trees there. George is fond of gardening
very much and has (9) … bushes of roses around the house. This
year he planted (10) … fuchsias. Out of ten plants only (11) … are in blossom.
Choose the correct answer:
1. There are … students in this group.
a) twenty five; b) twenty fifth; c) the twenty fifth.
2. Daniel lives on … floor in a new block of flats.
a) three; b) the third; c) third.
3. Where is … ? It is on the ground floor.
a) the fourth room; b) fourth room; c) room four.
4. Mummy and Daddy are in … and Granny with me are in …
a) carriage six, car-riage seven; b) the sixth car-riage, the seventh carriage; c) sixth carriage, sev-enth carriage.
5. It was … game he had been playing since morning.
a) nine; b) the ninth; c) ninth.
6. They saw … written on the blackboard.
a) a tenth; b) fifth point two; c) five point two.
7. She has done only … of that exercise.
a) three; b) a third; c) third point one.
8. We have been living in Obolonska … for ten years.
a) eighth street; b) street eight; c) eight street.
9. You always take … to get to the center.
a) the eleventh bus; b) eleven bus; c) bus eleven.
10. Pete bought … roses for Mary’s birthday.
a) seventeen; b) the seventeenth; c) seventeenth.
Книга: Англійська граматика / Гусак
1. | Англійська граматика / Гусак |
2. | Articles |
3. | Pronouns |
4. | Adjectives |
5. | Adverbs |
6. | Numerals |
7. | Prepositions |
8. | Key |
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